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“Myths about anxiety. (1) You can just decide to stop worrying. (2) It means you don’t have faith. (3) Taking medication means you don’t trust God. (4) Truths: God cares about your anxiety. He cares about you. And He will work through counselors, medication, prayer, and faith to help you navigate the challenges of anxiety.”

Guest Artist: @churchfonts
Fonts: Cinder [Adobe], Mono45 Headline [Adobe]

“Myths about anxiety. (1) You can just decide to stop worrying. (2) It means you don’t have faith. (3) Taking medication means you don’t trust God. (4) Truths: God cares about your anxiety. He cares about you. And He will work through counselors, medication, prayer, and faith to help you navigate the challenges of anxiety.”

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Listen: when you have a headache, you take a pill. It doesn't mean you don't have faith because you use a physical remedy. Anxiety is a physical thing, just like a headache.
Let's stop believing myths about anxiety and depression, and instead face them head-on. Trust God to bring freedom no matter what steps you take. But yes, take steps.

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